Grace Hopper

Grace Hopper

Grace Hopper, born December 9, 1906, in New York City. In 1928, she graduated from Vassar College with her bachelor's degree and then continued her education at Yale University for her master’s degree and Ph.D. in 1943, Hopper join the Navy WAVES where her team worked on and produced the Mark I, an early prototype of the electronic computer. She also wrote the first computer manual in 1946 for the Operation of the Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator. Hopper was involved in the creation of UNIVAX, the first-all electronic digital computer and she invented a program that translates written instructions into code that computers can read. After all her contributions she won awards like the National Medal of Technology and Innovation, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and the IEEE Emanuel R. Piore Award. Sadly, Grace Hopper passed on January 1, 1992, but on of the things that I think was the most amazing about her is in 1973, Hopper was named a distinguished fellow of the British Computer Society, at the time she was the first and only woman to hold the title.

Britannica: Grace Hopper
National Women's History Museum: Grace Hopper
History Computer: Grace Hopper

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